Yours Truly on
i lost my best friend and i sang this song for him. this was a really beautiful and sad experience for me – the video is the only take of the song, the first time i've ever played it, culling the lyrics from memory and singing from my soul with and for my boy.
i hope if you've lost someone you love you know that this shit is from the bottom of the heart.
Is it so amazingly beautiful and heartfelt.
I lost my friend Jeremy 4 months ago and this was me and his favorite song growing up, and the day I found out about his death, between all the crying, I could only think to put this song on. thank you, so very much for this cover and may your friend rest in peace.
really amazing. i lost someone important to me too, and this song reminds me of them.
i downloaded the audio. i hope you don't mind. i'll be scrobbling it, for sure.
peace bro
So so so good! Just bought Love Remains. But where or where can I find this track?!
Ryan would have loved it!
After loosing so many people I loved, and always wishing I could do something significant, feel something more fulfilling, this is just what I want and need.
Love you tommy
First off, sorry for your loss. This song is so beautiful. Thanks for sharing this to us.
I would easily buy this song, this is so beautiful. Your voice is beautiful.
real sorry to hear about your loss... this cover is so amazing tho, been one of my fav songs for years... truly raw stuff, thanks so much for all the great music
That was just on point, bro. Do you have any merch?
This made me burst into tears.
Thank you Tom.
Totally brilliant. Everyone who has ever lost someone can feel this. Class.
Thanks Tom
Having lost someone that left a hole in my soul deeper than words can express, I feel your pain.
My concern though, is that the song you chose was written by a paedophile.
However genuine his loss was when he wrote this, I strongly feel that he has given up his right to have other people empathise with his pain when he is someone so obviously disregarding of the pain his pleasures inflict on others.
Innocent & defencelass others.
You want to honour the memory of your friend and the loss and pain his death has brought you.
Don't honour an abuser of minors in the process.
Lost someone today. Thank you.
Dave: so sorry man... fuck.
wow this gives me chills every time. hadn't heard the original before but I think this is way more heartfelt. keep making music from the soul brother!
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